Technical information for visiting companies
Visiting work makes up a small proportion of Pegasus’ activity. It is usually only programmed on a Friday or Saturday and is entirely aimed at those aged 0-25 in line with our organisational mission. We work about 6 to 12 months ahead when making programming decisions. If you feel that your production meets this criteria please send a tour pack, including examples of your work, to
Below are links to the technical information you may need and if you are looking for any other information contact the technical team
Pullman Stage Information:
Clore Studio Information:
General Information

Box Office: 01865 812 150
Duty Team: 01865 812 165
Press enquiries
Magdalen Road
Oxford OX4 1RE
Pegasus Theatre Trust is a company limited by guarantee no. 03038190, a registered charity no. 1055305 and VAT registered no. 210914055.
© Pegasus Theatre Trust 2020 | Site by Herd