Our community

At Pegasus, we are committed to contributing to and working with our local community. We run a range of projects, from supporting young local artists, to working with vulnerable young people and touring productions at local schools.

Oxford Facilitators’ Network


Are you a freelance drama facilitator based in Oxfordshire?Β 
Would you like to build your network, share skills, and hear about opportunities at theatres in Oxford?

Pegasus Theatre, in partnership with Oxford Playhouse and The North Wall, would like to invite local drama facilitators to a networking evening, to share best practice, and hear about opportunities at our three theatres. The next event will take place on Wednesday 31 July at The North Wall. This session will focus on reflecting upon successes and challenges that projects this year have presented; it will provide an opportunity for practitioners to share best practice, tips and strategies to reflect, report back and improve, and offer a space to suggest training opportunities for next year.Β 

This is a chance to expand your network, register interest for future projects and share skills with like-minded colleagues.Β 

Please email waltona@thenorthwall.com to book your free attendance. If this is your first time attending the Oxford Facilitators’ Network you will need to complete a registration form: This will be emailed to you once you have registered. Β  Β 

The North Wall Arts Centre
South ParadeΒ 

Wednesday 31 JulyΒ 

6pm to 8pmΒ 

Please note: Places are limited and will be assigned on a first come first served basis.Β Β 

Oxford Playhouse, The North Wall and Pegasus Theatre offer multidisciplinary projects. If you do not consider yourself a drama facilitator, but would be keen to hear about future opportunities at our theatres, please do still get in touch.Β 



Pegasus recognises the urgency of responding to the global challenge of climate change and its social justice implications and is fully committed to embedding sustainable practices across the organisation to reduce the impact of its activities on the environment with the ambition of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2040 or sooner.

We pledge to work collaboratively with other arts organisations and artists locally and nationally to take steps towards a more sustainable future for the sector, and engage and support our staff, partners, audiences, participants and communities to inspire wider change and action for a greener future.

We are proud to be a part of the Green Arts Oxfordshire Network and to support its Green Arts Charter.Β 

We look forward to sharing our actions for a greener Pegasus, from more sustainable productions using The Theatre Green Book’s guidelines to supporting our young participants to engage with environmental issues and be actively involved in working with us to find creative solutions.

We’d love to hear what our audiences think so if you have any comments or ideas on Pegasus’ green journey, please do get in touch with our Artistic Director Georgia Bradley on director@pegasustheatre.org.uk.

Moving with the Times

Dancin’ Oxford and Pegasus Theatre every year present ourΒ Moving with The Times showcase.

Three dance artists/companies will be commissioned to present and showcase work as part of the Dancin’ Oxford 2024 Spring Dance Festival at Pegasus Theatre.

Each selected company or artist will receive a guaranteed Β£1,000 commission fee to create the work.

The commission also includes technical support, marketing and promotion provided by Pegasus and Dancin’ Oxford.

SPARK supported artist programme

Pegasus is committed to supporting creative works with, for, and by young people. We do this through the SPARK supported artist programme.

Over the course of a year, we provide artists and companies bespoke support to grow new ideas across a range of creative disciplines.

How we support artists:

  • Rehearsal space
  • Fundraising & marketing support
  • Artist development sessions
  • Performance and programming opportunities

The deadline for SPARK applications has now passed. We will be keeping the website updated with further updates.

Schools touring shows

Pegasus believes that theatre is an essential tool for the safe learning and development of young people. We produce high quality shows for schools touring based on relevant topics and issues that are hard to talk about. We work with local authorities and services to provide essential support for young people, parents, and teachers.

Our past and longest running show wasΒ Under My Skin by Ali Taylor for Years 8-9. Commissioned annually by Oxfordshire County Council, it provided vital information about self-harm and mental heath issues, including signposting to local support services.

If you are interested in any of of future schools touring shows,Β please contact director@pegasustheatre.org.uk.Β Β 

Pegasus Youth Board

Are you a young person aged 13-25? Would you like to have a say in the way Pegasus is run? Young people are the life-force of Pegasus. We are recruiting new members to our Youth Board to help plan and shape the future of the theatre.Β 

Make a difference to the life of Pegasus and young people in Oxford and beyond.

MCS Academies

The Magdalen College School Performance Academy and MCS Technical Academy are returning to Pegasus in 2024/25.

The Performance Academy is led by MCS’s resident director and producer. It’s an opportunity for students in Years 9-11 to learn key theatre-making skills from industry professionals, developing their personal stagecraft as they work towards a final production at Pegasus.

The Technical Academy is led by Contained Creatives. This is an opportunity for students in Years 9-11 to learn the essentials of lighting, sound and set design from industry professionals, developing their technical and stage management skills to design and technically support a final production at Pegasus.

Extensive experience is not necessary, but we’re looking for young people who are fully committed to being a member of the Academy and attending all sessions, rehearsals and performances.

MCS Academies will be running on Thursdays, 4.15 – 6.15pm, from 12 Sept – 28 Nov (no sessions on Thurs 24 and 31 Oct due to MCS half term). The sessions will take place at Pegasus Theatre. Weekly sessions resume in 2025 from Thursday 9 Jan – 26 Mar (no session on Thurs 19 Feb due to half term). Additional rehearsals in the run up to production week (March 10-15) may be scheduled.

There are a limited number of free places available for young people in Years 9-11 that do not attend Magdalen College School. These places are funded by Magdalen College School. If you would like to join, please contact Pegasus by emailing participation@pegasustheatre.org.uk by August 19.Β 


Referral projects

We run a range of classes at Pegasus which are tailored towards vulnerable young people and their needs. This includes Remix, for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants,Β Looking Forward, for vulnerable young women and Acting Out for children in Years 5 and 6 experiencing challenging circumstances at home or school.

To find out more about these classes, please see our classes page or email participation@pegasustheatre.org.uk.

Work experience

We partner with Oxfordshire schools to offer group work experience placements throughout the year at Pegasus.

Work experience weeks at Pegasus are an opportunity to gain an insight into the various roles required to run a theatre venue.

Each student will gain a high quality experience throughout the week and will contribute to the work in our theatre. You will spend time working on projects across marketing, HR, finance, fundraising, creative learning and front of house. We expect all the young people we host to be flexible, adaptable, have initiative and a real passion for careers in a theatre.

If you are a school who would like to arrange work experience at Pegasus please email participation@pegasustheatre.org.uk.

Unfortunately, we are unable to host young people on an individual basis at present, but if you’re interested in other ways to get involved at Pegasus please get in touch via the email address above.

Oxford Cultural Anti-Racism Alliance

We are playing a part in the radical change of Oxford’s cultural sector. As a member of the Oxford Cultural Anti-Racism Alliance, we are making a commitment to bring more people from the Global Majority into our organisation as creators, participants and leaders.

The Manifesto we have signed means we will listen, learn, review our practice and take action to transform and become welcoming, inclusive and representative of the Global Majority.

Safe Places

Pegasus is proud to be a part of the Safe Places National Network.

AΒ SafeΒ PlaceΒ offersΒ helpΒ ifΒ someoneΒ isΒ anxious,Β scaredΒ orΒ at riskΒ whileΒ theyΒ areΒ outΒ andΒ aboutΒ andΒ needΒ support.

The safe places scheme supports people to remain safe and independent in the community. Anyone who feels vulnerable or distressed can easily identify a safe place by the recognisable logo, and seek safety and assistance within.

Users of the scheme can be of any age – Young or elderly, they may have dementia, a learning disability, autism or mental health needs. They may simply be vulnerable at that moment in time – The scheme is for everyone.

Coming up at Pegasus…

          Play The World

    Play The World

    February 28, 2025

    Starts at: 10:00

    Book now
          Moving With The Times 2025

    Moving With The Times 2025

    March 7, 2025

    Starts at: 19:00

    Book now
          Moving With The Times 2025

    Moving With The Times 2025

    March 8, 2025

    Starts at: 19:00

    Book now
          Henry V

    Henry V

    March 14, 2025

    Starts at: 19:30

    Book now


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Magdalen Road
Oxford OX4 1RE

Pegasus Theatre Trust is a company limited by guarantee no. 03038190, a registered charity no. 1055305 and VAT registered no. 210914055.

Β© Pegasus Theatre Trust 2020 | Site by Herd